Antropov Lev Ivanovich - scientist, teacher, organizer of science

Antropov Lev Ivanovich

Founder of the school "Electrochemical Kinetics": Antropov Lev Ivanovich, professor, corresponding member of USSR Academy of Sciences, USSR State Prize in Science and Technology, winner of the Prize. L. Pisarzhevskogo Honored Science USSR, Doctor of Science.

The School of L.I. Antropov received world recognition, two of the largest electrochemists Bokrys and Conway in review of electrochemistry progress included L.I. Antropov among the twelve scientists who created the foundation of electrochemistry and Kyiver electrochemical school to the most reputable in the world.

LI Antropov is the author of a number of fundamental developments on the kinetics of electrode processes, the structure of the electrical double layer, electrosynthesis of organic compounds electrocatalysis and metal protection from corrosion. Named after him φ-potential scale received international recognition and is still used in theoretical and applied electrochemistry.

Research School of electrochemical kinetics established in the 60's and 80's of XX century at the Department of Electrochemical Production Technology National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” by the Doctor of Chemistry, Professor LI Antropov (1913 - 1994) - an outstanding scientist with worldwide reputation, a prominent philanthropist and organizer of science.

Prof. LI Antropov Chair from 1960 to 1986, till 1994 he worked as a professor and a supervisor of the laboratory of applied electrochemical kinetics, organized by the department in 1962.

Main Releases: The methods for determining zero points of metals, adsorption phenomena and the role of surface charge of metal in the kinetics of electrode processes, metal corrosion inhibitors, methods and devices of corrosion control, chemical power source, contact exchange and electrochemical deposition of metals, alloys and composite materials.

Great importance had applied the School of chemical power sources, including lithium, technology of protective and decorative and functional electroplating coatings, synthesis of effective inhibitors of metal corrosion and its synergistic compositions, corrosion-measuring devices. In 80 years serial productions of corrosion-measuring equipment and eco-friendly battery-based anodes based on the developed inhibitors of chemical power sources was organized.

In the 90 years the production of gas sensors of oxygen, hydrogen, ammonia, halogens and halohenovodniv, ozone, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and some others created by the Department of electrochemical has started.

Created at the Department sensors and sensor systems and corrosion-measuring equipment as a part of the work "Scientific bases and means of electrochemical methods to control environmental security and technological environments corrosive action" in 2002, were awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (Chviruk VP ., Y. Gerasimenko and others).

LI Antropov was a talented teacher, a brilliant lecturer. Among his pupils - 2 academics, 2 corresponding members, 9 doctors and 50 PhD.


  1. Antropov L. І. Кіnetics оf еlесtгоdе ргосеss аnd null роints оf metals. – New Delhi, 1960.-94 р.
  2. Антропов Л. И. Теоретическая электрохимия. — М.: Высш.шк., 1965. - 509 с.
  3. Антропов Л. И. Теоретическая электрохимия. Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. - М: Высш.шк.,- 1969.-512 с.
  4. Antropov L. І. Еlmeleti еlektrochemia. – Вudapest: Tankonyvkido 1972. - 528 р.
  5. Антропов Л. И. Теоретическая злектрохимия. Изд. 3-є, перераб. и доп. - М.: Высш.шк.., 1975.-560 с.
  6. Antropov L. І. Тheoretical Еlectrochemistry // Moscow: Міг Рublishers,1977. - 595р.
  7. Антропов Л. И., Макушин Е. М., Панасенко В. Ф. Ингибиторы коррозии металлов. — К.: Техніка, 1981. — 183 с.
  8. Ткаленко Д. А. Злектрохимия ионных расплавов. - К.: Наукова думка, 1983. – 224 с.
  9. Антропов Л. И. Теоретическая электрохимия. Изд. 4-е, перераб. и доп. - М.: Высш.шк., 1984.-519 С.
  10. Антропов Л. И., Лебединский Ю. Н. Композиционные электрохимические покрытия и материалы. - К.: Техніка, 1986. - 200 с.
  11. Антропов Л. І. Теоретична електрохімія. - К.: Либідь, 1993. - 544 с.